
Thursday 30 January 2014

Audition!! (⌒▽⌒)

The lady-like Jenny here! (⌒▽⌒)

Two days ago I attended an audition for a musical that some third year students at my university are doing for their final year project.
They were opening for two female parts, one lead and then another part who sings towards the end of the show. I read the story from the script I was given and I practiced the song I was given so when I set ff for my audition I felt very confident in myself. I get nervous with my acting but with my singing I always feel more confident.

I arrived at university but I was half an hour early so I went to get a quick cool drink from the student union bar!

I've been suffering from a very sore throat lately so the cold drink helped to soothe my voice. I also took some cough medicine to also help my throat feel less sore.

I then arrived at the audition and I felt confident in talking to the people and they were very friendly in the audition and after I completed reading from the script and singing what I needed to, I got told I passed the audition! I am very happy and I'm going to be contacted later this week to know which part I have. It's been two years since I was last in a musical so it will be so fun to be returning to acting and singing on the stage. My passions for acting and singing are even stronger when I get to put them together!

A picture of me before I set off for my audition (apologies for the blurriness I'm still getting used to this new camera >.<)
This evening I then went to my class' performance venue to run through our performance and it went very well! There are still some little things to nitpick but from what I experienced I got chills from the things we've filmed and edited. I hope the audiences get the same feelings to this show that I got!

Thank you for reading! Jenny

Monday 27 January 2014

Filming! ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ

Hello Kirameki!
The lady-like Jenny here ^_^

University has been very busy for me in the last few weeks!
My class have been organizing and creating a multimedia show that will be showing to audiences in February!
I'm very excited for my classmates and course mates to see it and I hope they leave the performance with amazed faces! I want to talk about the performance in a lot of detail but I can't right now until after we have performed it. However I can show you a sneaky picture of a part of the venue.

The venue is very eerie in the dark so it can feel like you're on the set of a horror film.
Luckily, I'll never have to go and visit the performance area alone, I don't think I'd have the guts to! >.<
It's also very cold so I have warned the audience to wear very warm clothes for the performance!

My parts of the play have already been filmed so on the night our whole class will be members of staff so because we'll be outside I am going to be wearing a lot of layers to keep me warm. I don't want to get another cold. Take care of yourself in this cold weather!

I also went into the motion capture studio this week for a graphic design student who is creating his own video game and the character that I will be playing is a female ninja! All of my moves have been captured in the studio so I can't wait to show you guys some footage when it is completed in a few weeks! It was a lot of fun especially wearing the silly costume. It was so difficult to put on and off because of all the velcro! XD

Lately I've been listening to Itano Tomomi's newest single a lot lately.
It's a dark ballad called little and I fell in love with it from the first listen! <3
Itano was always a good singer but I feel like this song finally proves that she can be an amazing singer, and I loved watching the dark music video because it wouldn't be what I would expect for this song. However, the gothic imagery of the music video really pulls me into the darkness that the lyrics truly showcase!
I'm definitely buying a copy of this single.

Itano is my favourite AKB48 member of all time so when she graduated I was very sad, but I am even happier that she is going to be maintaining a solo career because I would miss her too much if I didn't sing. Now we just Takahashi Ai to announce a solo career now :D

What's your favourite song right now? Let me know!!!


KRP28's Team K's debut single is getting closer and closer to it's official release and I am so excited for you Kirameki to hear it! It definitely shows the cuteness of Team K and I am so proud of the girls in this song they sound amazing!!

And to celebrate how close we are to the release here is the story shot and the close up shot previews for Unrequited Love II's MV!! Enjoy :D

Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing week!!

Love Jenny

Friday 17 January 2014

My Birthday! (◕㉨◕✿)

Hello Kirameki!
The lady-like Jenny here~~

Today is the first blog post from the 20 year old Jenny.
I am becoming more lady-like with my age and in Japan I would be coming with age :)
It feels weird knowing that I'm in a new decade of age now >.<

My birthday was a lot of fun because I went to go to the cinema to see Anchorman 2 with my boyfriend.
I was laughing at the film all the way through so I definitely recommend you watch it!
I also went to Nando's afterwards and the chicken tasted delicious!
I want to thank my boyfriend for the lovely treat of a day out :)
I want to thank my friends and family for an amazing birthday! :) You've all made it very special!

I got two birthday cakes, one from my family and one from my boyfriend's family.
So I blew out my candles twice so I got two wishes >.<
It was cute when they were all singing Happy Birthday and the candles played a little musical tune, I felt like a little child! XD

Again I have to apologize for my absence on this blog.
Something awful happened to me last week when my laptop burnt out and I lost all of my work for university.
It also included a finished essay that I needed to hand in two days later!
And there was no way the university would give me an extension! :(
Luckily I managed to find my first draft of the essay and re-write it from there...PHEW!
However, I was left without a laptop...

My Mam, my Stepdad and I all managed to put some money together for a new laptop!
I am so happy now, because this new laptop is so easier to use!

So that should mean I have no more excuses to not blog! XD

Thank you for reading.
The lady-like Jenny ^_^

Friday 3 January 2014

New Start and a New Year v(^_^v)

Hello Kirameki!
The lady-like Jenny here...

I can't believe how fast 2013 has come and gone and now we're into 2014!
I hope this year is a successful one, and one of my biggest goals is to make KiraKira!Project grow.
It's been nearly a year since I found out I passed the auditions to become a 1st generation member of KRP28 and I still want to remain a member for years to come.
Already we have a lot of work to do soon! (*'ω'*)
Team R will soon be filming for the MV of their second single Win This War!
I know some of you guys have heard it and we have received great feedback for the song, so I want to work hard to make the MV look just as good. o(≧▽≦)o

The past few days I have been very busy finishing an essay for university and it has to be handed in next week!
I hate handing it in because then I know there is no longer anymore time to fix it, so when I hand it in I hope I get a good grade. I want to achieve better grades for 2014 and work harder with my acting! ^_^


I don't usually have New Year's Resolutions but this year I just have an aim to eat healthier and exercise more. So when I come back to university next week I want to sign up to a dance society!
I want to improve my dancing for KRP28 and it'll also help with my fitness!
ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3 Let's work up a sweat!
I also want to join the drama society too so I can get involved in a lot of different acting projects!
I've always wanted to be a theater actress but recently I've been very interested in voice acting so I might give it a go and see if there is any opportunities to try it out at university!!


Yesterday was my friend's birthday and to celebrate the occasion, she, another friend and I all became a trio and visited a lovely restaurant called TGI Fridays.
I got full from the main meal, but I couldn't resist getting a pudding so I tried this!

It was vanilla ice-cream, with chocolate sauce, cream and to top it all of it also had crumbled up Oreos in it! It tasted liked heaven!
It really filled me up and I kind of felt guilty after eating it because of my aims to eat healthier but I promised myself that starting next week I will pursue it...wish me luck! >_<
There are more pictures that my friends took of our meal so I will post them in my next blog post!

Thank you for reading and I hope you had a great New Year and I hope your happiness and aims become successful throughout 2014!

Love the lady-like Jenny!