
Monday 30 September 2013

Screams do come true! o(≧▽≦)o

Hello everyone!
How are you all today?

Today I spent my afternoon cleaning out my wardrobe and sorting it all out.
I'd abandoned it for too long so all of my clothes were mixed up so now they're all in organised piles so t-shirts are in one pile, then my trousers are in another and so on.
I'm not usually one for cleaning, but I knew it had to be organised so I would have nothing to worry about for tomorrow. (*^_^*)

Tomorrow is my first day back at university as a second year student.
I am so excited to be meeting everyone again from my class, I really enjoy working with them.
I've met some of them when they came back here from their homes but it'd be amazing to see everyone together again.
They're all so hard working but they are all so funny too so I can have as much fun while I work passionately. (*'ω`★从)*:.。. .。.:*・
I'm only at my first lecture for three hours and we're studying comedy so it will be difficult.
I'm not much of a comedian but I'll try my best.
I remember one of the last shows I did for my first year was a comedy showcase and I did my own funny vlog which made people giggle.
I wondered if they laughed with sympathy or they did actually laugh at my jokes? (*≧m≦*)
So with that little experience I hope I can use the same skills for this new comedy module!

I also have some exciting news too!!!
Do you really want to know?!
Okay then, I'll let you know...

In my hometown there will be an event called Scream Factory.
It's a Halloween event where the audience walk through the woods and get scared with some of the attractions and shows there.
I participated in it last year and it was so fun! I played a scary zombie that chased people and I also played an angel statue that came to life and followed you through a graveyard...SPOOKY!
It reminded me of the angels from Doctor Who, don't blink! ;)
I might scare you...

The exciting news is that I will be acting in this event again this year!
I am so happy to be taking part in it again.
I messaged my boss from the event last year and said I'd love to take part again and he remembered me and said yes!
I didn't even have to audition :D
How amazing is that? I made such an impression from last year I get to take part in it again. I know that some of my friends who took part last year are also taking part this year too, so I know they'll be some people who I'll have fun with. (゚∇^*)
The theme for Scream Factory this year is Carnival of Carnage, it sounds so scary, and I am so intrigued as to what characters they have invented for this new theme. I know they'll be some scary clowns at least...ooh!
I really am excited for this.

This is me playing a zombie from last year's Scream Factory

I also played the statue of an angel at last years Scream Factory too
Please come to the event to support us and get a scare if you live nearby or want to travel to see us!
And also support me as a performer!
Acting is so much fun and events like this are so fun and make me love performing even more.
(*'ω`★从)*:.。. .。.:*・

Tickets are now on sale for the event:

Come to the event and get a scare!!!

Also do not forget that Lyricist is also on sale digitally:

Please support me and Team R as part of KRP28 by buying our debut single!

Thank you so much reading and I'll blog to you again soon!

My copy of Ai Believe on DVD and two free photos I received with it! <3

PS. Today is the 2 year anniversary since Ai-chan graduated from Morning Musume.
She was in Morning Musume for 10 years and they are some of the best years Morning Musume has had.
I wish Ai-chan all the best and I will continue to support her! ^-^
I'm going to watch her graduation concert tonight to celebrate!!!

Sunday 29 September 2013

Takitty Love! (⌒▽⌒)

Hello everyone!

Today with it being Sunday I just decided to spend the day relaxing...
However, this chilled out day didn't stop me from singing yet again, so I recorded a new cover for my youtube channel (´;ω;`)

I decided to do a cover to celebrate two years since Ai-chan graduated ^-^
I decided to do Ano hi ni Modoritai but I just didn't feel the song even though I love it.
It really was a shame because I love that song so much but I guess my voice just wasn't feeling it today. (☍﹏⁰)
Why why why?!!!
Anyway, I decided to sing Jishin Motte Yume Motte Tobitatsu Kara instead!
It's a much happier song and I could feel the energy of the song to the fullest, it really is such an amazing song.
I love the lyrics too and I definitely felt the words as I sung it!!!!
Please check out my cover and let me know what you think!
Thank you!!!

Please comment and like if you wish!
Ai Takahashi is such a huge inspiration to me and even though she has graduated Morning Musume, I still love to keep up to date on her activities.
She's been performing on the stage a lot and she got the main role of Anne in Anne of Green Gables and she got a lot of success from it, it inspires me to be just as good on her on the stage.  (☆ω☆)
I have a such a huge passion for the stage and I hope one day I can have a career on the stage acting or singing or both!!! ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ
Also, here is a photo my friend took me of when I was at her housewarming!
She took a lot of pictures but this is one she took of me!
She did my make-up for me and she did it fantastically, she is passionate for make up.

I also finished watching the last episode of Attack on Titan this evening.
The last fight scene between Annie and Eren was so thrilling I was on the end of my seat!
The ending was so unexpected but I'm glad it left with a good cliffhanger, there is definitely going to be a second series!!! >.<

It's the first anime I've seen in over a year and it's definitely made me interested in anime again!
Bring on the second season, it's going to be such an agonizing wait! Nyah!

I hope you guys have had a good weekend!!!
Bye Bye!!!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Houswarming (*'ω'*)

Jenny here ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ

Yesterday I went to my friends house to celebrate her housewarming. We're both second year students at university, and while I still live at home, she lives in her own student house with her boyfriend and its such a nice little house. ^-^
I had a lot of fun with my friends and I can't wait for us to hang out again!

We also got into talking about the music industry and how it's a shame a lot of singers get famous through their looks and less of their talent and how some of them just want fame. It's a sad truth but it happens, so women like Adele are really inspirational when it comes to being a singer!!! ^_^ You don't need to be drop dead beautiful to enjoy singing! ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ
My friend who watched my performance of Lyricist said I had a great voice and it's a shame people like me aren't discovered. I thought it was very sweet of them to say, but at the end of the day I don't want to be famous, I just want to release music and perform. Performing has always been my passion! (*σ´▽`)σ

It's really lovely that I have friends who support me like they do!
It makes me a much more happier person being accepted doing what I love to do!
Thank you my friends, you're all amazing! ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ

On the 24th Lyricist was digitally released so please visit:
to buy Lyricist! Or spread the word if you can!!
Thank you!!

Have a great weekend! ^_^

Thursday 26 September 2013

Performance of Lyricist! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ


Welcome to my new official blog! I've been wanting to get back into blogging again, and so I decided to start my new official blog again from scratch! ヽ(*^▽^*)ノ
Since I became a member of Team R of KRP28 it's made me want to blog a lot more as an idol so you can get to know me! I know I do blogging on the official Team R blog but I also like to blog about my personal life so I thought I'd do it with my own little blog.

If you don't know me already I'm Jenny and I am a member of Team R of KRP28, an online idol group that releases their own music.
Two days ago Team R released their debut single Lyricist and I am so proud of the song. We've worked so hard, so to see the results come out makes me so happy. ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

Yesterday I performed Lyricist for the first time on my own.
I was so nervous before performing because I could feel myself having a chesty cough but the performance was a success and I got a lot of positive feedback from my friends and the audience.
To everyone who came to the performance, thank you so much, it comforted me a lot! ♪(p^_^)q
 I performed Lyricist and then I also performed Red by Taylor Swift, and as I performed the song the audience were waving their arms in the air and tapping their feet. It was so fun!
Taylor Swift is a huge inspiration to me so it meant a lot that I could sing one of her songs <3

It was such an amazing feeling to be able to perform Lyricist for the first time.
Ever since I heard the final song I wanted to perform it so bad, and after last nights performance it felt like a little dream come true!
It was such a warm feeling to be representing Team R as a solo member, but I hope that one day we can all perform together as a full group. ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
I know it will happen one day, and my next dream for Team R is to be able to perform Lyricist by the next summer at an MCM convention. That would be amazing! I have seen OishiiIchigo take the stage and it looked like such an amazing experience so I would love to experience the same thing!

 Today I think I have come down with a full cold which is very unfortunate but I am going to be chilling out today so I can hopefully get rid of this cold before I go back out into the cold weather.
The nights are coming earlier now so I feel like it is the end of summer now, and I am already getting into the mood for Halloween >.<
I have all of these ideas I want to dress up as, but I will have to see what my plans for that day are yet!

Have a great day!
Love Jenny!

You can purchase Lyricist now!
Support us by buying the single or spreading the word!!!!